I almost forgot about this blog (again). I thought about deleting it (again), but, instead, I might just actually write out my whole AmeriCorps NCCC experience. You know, what this blog was intended for in the first place. I'm going to use the material I write on here to publish in my zine I plan on making. I have another blog; a personal blog. It's http://oliviarochelle.wordpress.com. Yes, it's a Wordpress blog. Writing both on Blogger and Wordpress at the same time will also help me determine which blog website is better. So far, Wordpress is winning.
On Olivia Rochelle, I write about everything relating to my life. However, on this blog, I will only focus on AmeriCorps NCCC. Got it? Good. I also have another blog on Blogger called Of Cow and Men which focuses on my experience with Job Corps.
Read about it if you're interested in either programs or zines in general.